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庆祝70周年系列学术活动—【beat365正版唯一网址学术论坛】 挪威奥斯陆大学张彦院士学术报告
发表于 2022-06-14 | 6545次阅读 | 作者 | 来源


Topic: Edge Intelligence for 6G and Internet of Things


Abstract: In this talk, we will first present the key concepts and main principles related to edge intelligence, i.e., the synergy between edge computing and AI. Then, we mainly focus on deep reinforcement learning and federated learning for addressing key challenges in 6G networks, and Internet of Vehicles. In such contexts, we will mainly present our recent studies and results related to computation offloading, resource management & optimization problems. We will also point out several open research questions for further study.

报 告 人:张彦 院士

报告时间:2022年6月15日 16:00-18:00



      现任挪威奥斯陆大学 ( U.S. NEWS世界百强名校,软科世界百强名校)beat365正版唯一网址教授,IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow。入选欧洲科学院院士,挪威皇家科学院院士,挪威工程院院士,2018-2021连续四年全球“高被引科学家”,全球TOP 1000计算机科学和电子领域顶尖科学家榜单。分别于新加坡南洋理工大学、北京航空航天大学和南京邮电大学获博士、硕士和学士学位。近期主要研究方向为新一代无线通信网络和智能安全物联网。在相关领域研究成果被引用30800+次,H因子为93。现任IEEE绿色通信与计算技术委员会主席,IEEE通信学会杰出讲师, IEEE车载技术学会杰出讲师。任CCF高级会员,CCF区块链专委会委员,并获评2019年CCF杰出演讲者。现任10个IEEE Transactions/Magazine期刊编委,包括IEEE Network Magazine; IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics; IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology; IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing; IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking; IEEE Transactions on Networks Science and Engineering; IEEE Internet of Things Journal;IEEE Systems Journal; IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine;以及IEEE Blockchain Technical Briefs。并现任或曾任国内多个核心期刊编委,包括中国通信,计算机科学,通信与信息网络学报,物联网学报,及数字通信与网络。



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